Temple and Family History- BINGO style!
Turning Hearts Project Bingo • Free printable download
A few of us wanted to have a fun way to get our entire ward involved in temple work and family history, someone had the idea that we should do it bingo style. We all came up with ideas that were simple, fun, and meaningful- then I just needed to make it look good! Since graphic design and marketing are my thing- I was glad to do it. We called it the "Turning Hearts Project"
When I shared the HEART bingo card on instagram I had TONS of requests to use it... so here I am, writing my first blog post- so that I have a very easy way to share this BINGO card (because, lets be honest, I can't keep track of emailing tons of different people) And I think it is awesome that so many people want to do it- the more hearts turned- the better!!
Feel free to share this- link to my website, pin it, and print as many as you need. And it should go without saying- but please don't copy it or try to take credit for it. I worked really hard on this, and I'm glad to share it, just credit it back to the correct source (PrintItEngineer.com or @onkateelane) And if you want to support my print shop that would be awesome too!
Free printable Family History Bingo Card- There are two different style titles- HEART or BINGO, and there are printable instructions if you want to introduce this in your family or ward (but you have to supply the prizes yourself lol!)
Here are the links. Print on an 8.5x11 paper.
Free Printable- Temple and Family History BINGO Card
Free Printable- Turning Hearts Project- HEART BINGO Card
Free Printable- BINGO Instructions

If you want some more details or fun ideas for how to implement it- here you go:
HEART: We really pushed the heart theme and Malachi's scripture. We printed one sheet per family on card stock and passed it out with conversation hearts on Valentines day. The talks that day were all about Family History and Temple work.
PRIZES: To get the kids excited, who in turn motivate the parents, we have fun prizes. For 5 in a row I designed and printed some cool water bottle stickers and candy. For BLACKOUT we are doing root beer float kits or a framed 18x24" print from my shop. (you can find my stickers here)

EMAIL: we have an email where ward members can report that they got bingo, and share experiences. We are sending out a bimonthly email to help remind people- an instruction email, a prize list email, cool experiences email, reminder that it ending, etc.
We also emailed everyone in the ward a link so they could print off more cards as needed (if kids each want their own, or if anyone wasn't at church, or lost theirs, etc.)
POSTER: We printed off an 18x24" poster and put it on our bulletin board right by the bishop's office. (I had a few requests to purchase the poster- so I added that to my shop) You could also put it in the YW room, RS room, Primary room... If you don't have too large of a group playing they could even mark or initial on the poster when they do a square. Get the Poster Here
SOCIAL MEDIA: We encouraged people to share on social media and use the hashtag #turningheartsproject or tag the instagram account @turningheartsproject Anything on social media is going to be helpful to get people excited. And its awesome to see others doing it, and the cool experiences they are having in and out of your ward.
PERSONALIZE THE BINGO INSTRUCTIONS: I left room at the bottom in case anyone wants to add more personalized info like prizes, specific emails, ward family history consultants contact info, specific dates of how long it lasts...

Phew that was a lot of info- If I have forgotten anything- please let me know.
Follow along on Instagram @turningheartsproject and lets make this BIG! So many people want to do family history, but don't know where to start. I really hope this helps. It has already been so much fun doing these activities with my kids and I love how excited they are about it!
- Katee Woffinden
And don't forget to please share the link to the file or to this post- and not email the actual file.
Download BINGO Card- Click Here

Download HEART Bingo Card- Click Here

Download BINGO Instructions- Click Here